martes, 4 de junio de 2013




The solar energy is obtained from the sun`s energy. Solar radiation that reaches the earth has been exploited by humans since ancient times, using different technologies that have been evolving with time from conception. Currently, heat and sunlight can be harnessed by sensors.

It is a so-called renewable energy or clean energy, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most pressing problems of humanity.

The different solar technologies are classified into passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active technologies include the use of photovoltaic panels and thermal collectors to collect energy. Between the passive techniques, different techniques are framed in bioclimatic architecture: the orientation of buildings to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or having properties for light dispersion and space design by ventilation naturally.


The solar energy source is currently developed solar photovoltaic energy. According to reports by Greenpeace, solar photovoltaics could supply electricity to two thirds of the world population in 2030.

The earth receives solar radiation and about 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses.

The power of the radiation varies with the time of day.The Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the total of both. Direct radiation is the focus that comes directly from the sun, without intermediate reflections or refractions.

The radiation absorbed by the oceans, clouds, air and land masses of these temperature increases. The heated air is containing evaporated water that rises from the ocean. When the air rises to the higher layers where the temperature is low, its temperature decreases until the water vapor condenses into clouds. The solar energy absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at 14 ° C. For green plant photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy, which produces food, wood and biomass.

Solar energy is important for life without sunlight would not be possible plant life and animals. Its infrastructure is expensive but less polluting than other energy systems.

In Spain, in every square meter of soil affect 1,500 kilowatt hours of energy per year. This energy can be used directly or be converted into other useful forms, for example, electricity.

While solar energy is produced with solar panels, no noise, do not emit harmful emissions or polluting gases with solar forget to pollute the air, water, cause acid rain.

Using the sun as fuel contributes actively to reduce global warming.

Types of energy´s sun:


A)Photovoltaic energy:

·         Converted sunlight into electricity.

·         Easy: Heat storage} eficient method

·         Difficult: Storing electricity

B) Thermal energy:

·         Converted light from the sun in heat energy} electricity

·         There are different engynes} Gas turbines or steam engine

·         1 bad thing ->They need some place

2 important countries → Australia and Spain: There are sunny coun



Solar panels operate in the following manner: the solar rays impacting on the surface of the panel is penetrated and being absorbed by the semiconductor materials such as silicon or gallium arsenide.

These panels are modules that use the energy from sunlight. These modules comprise of solar collectors are used to produce hot water and photovoltaic panels used to generate energy. Photovoltaics are composed of many cells that convert light into electricity, these cells are sometimes called photovoltaic cells, which means "light-electricity" and depend on the photovoltaic effect to transform the sun's energy and cause a current to pass through two plates with opposite electrical charges. The standard parameter to measure is called peak power output. When exposed to sunlight, a cell Silicon 6 centimeters in diameter can produce a current of about 0.5 amps at 0.5 volts.

And the solar collectors have a receiver plate and tubes for circulating the liquid adhered thereto. The receiver ensures that the solar radiation is transformed into heat, while the liquid flowing through the pipes transports heat to where it can be used or stored.

Crystalline Solar Panels

These traditional solar panels can be either monocrystalline or polysilicon.

Monocrystalline panels are made from a large, single silicon crystal and have a patchwork pattern. Polysilicon panels are made of lots of tiny silicon crystals and have a geometric pattern. While monocrystalline panels are more efficient than polysilicon ones, they are also more expensive. The efficiency of crystalline panels range from 12% to 20%, and they are almost always the best choice for a home solar system.

Thin Film Solar Panels

Amorphous photovoltaics, or thin film silicon panels cost much less to produce, but they are also much less efficient. The silicon in thin film panels is printed on a flexible backing material. The efficiency of thin film panels ranges between 6% and 10%. Thin film panels take twice as much space to make the same amount of energy as crystalline panels.

Note: 'Thin film' is a catch-all phrase and some thin film solar panels aren't silicon based. Some use other semiconductors such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS).

BIPV Solar Panels (Solar Roof Shingles)

A further innovation on thin film solar panels is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). BIPVs are small thin film solar panels that are the same size and shape as roofing shingles, allowing them to be seamlessly integrated with the other shingles on your roof. BIPV panels are more expensive and somewhat less efficient than traditional solar panels, but many consumers consider them to be the best-looking option on the market. Sunrun certified installer Petersen Dean is an expert in integrated solar tiles.

Many companies are researching alternatives to solar panels or photovoltaic panels, but it will be a long time before these technologies are available, tested and commercially viable to be a good option for your home. Don't wait. Request a free solar consultation with Sunrun today.



Photovoltaic centrals

The performance of a photovoltaic plant can be summarised as follows:

The basic element of a photovoltaic plant is the set of photovoltaic cells that capture solar energy, transforming it into direct electric current using the photoelectric effect. They are, first, in modules and then (1) photovoltaic panels are formed with them.Logically, the production of electricity of these cells depends on meteorological conditions at every moment, - mainly of insolation-. These conditions are measured and analyzed with the help of a meteorological Tower (2).

As the electrical energy that circulates through the transport network in the form of alternating current, DC power generated from the solar panels should be transformed to AC power. It is led, then, first to a wardrobe of DC (4), to be converted into alternating current by an inverter (5) and be finally transported to a wardrobe of alternating current (6).

Subsequently, the produced electrical energy goes through a transformation (7) Center which adapts to the conditions of current and voltage of the lines of transportation (8) for use in the consumption centers.

The functioning of all teams from central is monitored from the control (3) room, in which different installation systems information is received: meteorological Tower, inverter, cabinets of AC and DC, transformation, etc.

Solar thermal power plant

 A solar thermal power plant is a facility that allows the use of the energy from the Sun to produce electricity. It has a thermal cycle similar to the conventional thermoelectric plants: the heat energy that occurs in a particular focus is transformed into mechanical using a turbine energy and, subsequently, into electrical energy by means of an alternator.

The only difference is that while in conventional thermoelectric heat focus is achieved through the combustion of a fossil energy source (coal, gas, fuel oil), in the solar, heat focus is obtained by the action of solar radiation falling on a fluid.

The scheme of operation of a solar thermal power plant of the central tower type would be:

A plant of this type, consists of a field of heliostats (1) or directional mirrors of large dimensions, which reflect the light of the Sun and concentrate the beams reflected in a boiler (2) located on a Tower (3) high altitude.

In the boiler, the calorific contribution of reflected solar radiation is absorbed by one thermal fluid (molten salt, water, or other). The fluid is driven to a steam generator (5), where transfers its heat to a second fluid, usually water, which is thus converted into steam. From this moment the plant operation is analogous to a conventional thermal power plant. Therefore, this steam is driven to a turbine (6) where the energy of the steam is converted into Rotary mechanical energy that enables the generator (7) to produce electricity. The fluid is then liquefied in a condenser (8) to repeat the cycle.

As the production of a solar plant depends largely on hours of sunshine, to increase and stabilize production, often have systems of energy storage or support systems (4) intercalated in the heating circuit.

The energy produced, after being elevated its voltage transformers (9), is transported by power transport lines (10) to the general network of the system.



-          Started with high value

-          After cheaper

-          Greenpeace new value

-          2011 under Nuclear Energy

-          Use like home energy

-          Lots of people will use


1. Sunlight can be transformed in other tings like electricity

2. Photovoltaic panels can be installed quickly, it´s not a slow process

3. Environmental impact minimal

4. Don´t produce pollution

5. Silent process it doesn´t make any noise

6. They don´t need fosil fuell like oil or natural gas



1. Inicial cost (high), it´s expensive

2. It works during the morning, also at the hours where there is not sunlight but it doesn´t work with the same intensity

3. The weather should be good, if it´s cloudy is like if there is not sun

5. Made of toxic material



Solar PV, like other renewables, is, compared to fossil fuels, a powerhouse, contributes to energy self-sufficiency and is less harmful to the environment, avoiding the effects of direct use (air pollution, waste, etc.) and the derivatives of his generation (excavations, mines, quarries, etc.).

 The effects of the solar energy in the major environmental factor are

·         Climate: the generation of electrical energy directly from sunlight does not require any kind of combustion, so that there are no thermal pollution and CO2 emissions that promote global warming.

·         Geology: Photovoltaic cells are made of silicon which can be obtained from sand, very abundant in nature and not require significant amounts. Therefore, in the manufacture of photovoltaic panels no changes occur in the lithology, terrain topography or structure.

·         Ground: There isn´t any danger of pollution so the ground stays the same.

·         Surface water and groundwater: There is no change of aquifers or surface water or by consumption or by waste pollution or spills.

·         Flora and fauna: the impact on the vegetation is zero, and, by eliminating power lines, avoiding the potential adverse effects on birds.

·         Landscape: solar panels are easy to integrate in different types of structures.

·         Noise: the photovoltaic system is absolutely silent, which is a clear advantage over wind turbines.

·         Social media: The floor needed to install a photovoltaic system of average size, not a significant amount to produce a serious impact. Furthermore, most of the cases can be integrated into the roofs of the houses.

 Moreover, solar PV represents the best solution for those places that you want to provide electricity preserving environmental conditions, and as is the case for example of Protected Natural Areas. Also it doesn´t pollute the air or water and their production it´s very easy.